Idaho Veterans for Political Innovation to Join Fight Against Attorney General Labrador’s False and Misleading Ballot Titles

Idaho Veterans for Political Innovation to Join Fight Against Attorney General Labrador’s False and Misleading Ballot Titles

July 3rd, 2023
For Immediate Release

Boise - The Idaho Task Force of Veterans for Political Innovation will join other Open Primary coalition partners in support of the lawsuit against Attorney General Labrador to prevent his efforts to politicize and mislead Idahoans about the pending electoral reform initiative.

Mr. Labrador’s official responsibility is to all the citizens of Idaho, not just those who voted for him. As a beneficiary of closed primaries, however, Mr. Labrador has a clear conflict of interest in opposing the Open Primaries Initiative. He is in his current position as a result of closed primaries and voter suppression. He won his primary election by only 38,000 votes while blocking the votes of over 270,000 Idaho independents - many of whom are military veterans.

The AG is Idaho’s chief attorney. His duty is to the Idaho Constitution and all who honor and live under it - not to a small political clique. Instead of upholding the law, AG Labrador acts like a corrupt sheriff from a bad Hollywood western. Extremist politicians with fringe ideologies like AG Labrador have rigged our elections and hijacked our state.

Instead of acting as an honest broker of ideas, as his oath of office requires him to do, Mr. Labrador is putting his own self-interest first. It’s wrong and un-American. We’re not going to stand idly by and let him get away with it unchallenged.

Today is also the final day of the Battle of Gettysburg, one of the US Army’s greatest victories in the continuing fight to preserve American democracy. Military veterans honor the tremendous sacrifices made that day to defend the Union. We will counter unscrupulous officeholders that seek to mislead Idahoans and undermine our democracy.

If you’re an Idaho military veteran who wants to restore democracy, fair elections, and the rights of independent voters, then join us at


Open Primaries Coalition Files Lawsuit Against AG Labrador’s Ballot Titles


“Treacherous Titles” Open Primaries Coalition Will File Lawsuit Against Ballot Titles