Open Primaries Initiative Exceeds 70,000 Signatures

Group surpasses state signature requirements with goal to engage 100,000 Idaho voters


Boise, Idaho – March 19, 2024Idahoans for Open Primaries announced today that they have secured more than 70,000 signatures for their petition to end Idaho’s closed primary system and give all Idahoans, regardless of political party, the right to participate in all elections.  

“This initiative is going to blast Idaho’s primaries wide open,” said former Idaho Supreme Court Justice and Idahoans for Open Primaries supporter, Jim Jones. “Idaho’s closed primary system, which began in 2011, blocks 270,000 independent voters in the state from voting in Idaho’s most critical elections unless they join a political party. We shouldn’t exclude people—that’s not the way we do things in America. We deserve to participate and have our voices heard in elections.” 

If the signature drive is successful, the Open Primaries Initiative will be on the November 2024 ballot. The ballot measure seeks to create a non-partisan primary system that is open to all voters. 

Idaho’s rigorous regulations make it challenging to place a citizen-led initiative on the ballot. To qualify, the campaign must collect valid signatures from six percent of all Idaho voters who were registered at the last general election, which is 62,895 signatures statewide. The campaign must also collect signatures from six percent of registered voters in 18 of Idaho’s 35 legislative districts. All of this must be complete by May 1, 2024.

As of today, Idahoans for Open Primaries has collected 71,742 signatures and qualified 17 legislative districts. Three more Magic Valley and Eastern Idaho legislative districts are in close pursuit with fewer than 250 signatures away from qualifying. 

“We set a goal to collect 100,000 signatures before submitting our petition to the Secretary of State’s office” said Ashley Prince, Idahoans for Open Primaries Campaign Manager. “While that number exceeds the state’s requirements, we want to go above and beyond to ensure our community members understand the initiative and are excited by it before it ever reaches the ballot. With just six weeks to go, Idahoans for Open Primaries is confident that we will reach our goal.” 



Idahoans for Open Primaries Submits Petitions, Surpasses State Signature Requirements


Boise State University Survey Finds Majority Favor Open Primary System